Monday, May 21, 2012

Dangerous Rocks or Phosphorus Trichloride?

Phosphorous is the most common element in road flares.  A woman who was reportedly burned from rocks collected at San Onofre State Beach also reported that she went to the pool after the beach. The combination of phosphorous and chlorine may have created the problem. 
Phosphorus trichloride is a chemical compound of phosphorus and chlorine, having chemical formula PCl3 and is classified as very toxic and corrosive. It is possible that the burning was due to corrosives and not flame.
I have license as an engineering geologist in California. I actually went to Trestles this weekend in search of the “dangerous” rocks. I am convinced that this is an isolated incident. Please follow me and I welcome your comments.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


It was reported this morning that a local woman had been burned by rocks she discovered at a popular surfing beach in southern California. Apparently she was enjoying the sunshine with her two daughters when the urge to collect a couple of florescent rocks caught the trio’s eyes. Turned out to be a huge mistake! The woman suffered burns to her hands and legs due to the chemical contamination that caused the luster of the rocks.
The rocks were found near the nuclear generating power station at San Onofre are in an area considered “safe” for the general public.
Life safety issues need to be taken very seriously.  We have been told that San Onofre is sealed with layers and layers of steel reinforced concrete to prevent a nuclear disaster from a plane or missile; in addition there are too-numerous-to-count armed guards that are prepared to battle the terrorists. 

Where did the guards go? What happened to all the protection of the steel and concrete?   Will you let your children play on that state beach?

The report indicated the presence of Phosphorus which is the most common element found in road flares. The investigation is still underway and no conclusions have been reached.