Monday, March 5, 2012

California Coastal National Monument Needs Interested People for New Organization

To:    Interested Parties/Potential Partners

Re:    California Coastal National Monument Orange Coast Gateway

“Located off the 1,100 miles of California coastline, the California Coastal National Monument comprises more than 20,000 small islands, rocks, exposed reefs, and pinnacles between Mexico and Oregon. The scenic qualities and critical habitat of this public resource are protected as part of the National Landscape Conservation System, administered by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior.” 

However, our area between Newport Harbor and Camp Pendleton is being held up in Congress and we need your help to push things forward.  It’s being held up because certain rocks were set aside (1940’s?) for possible locations for lighthouses.  Several other Gateways have already been established with the BLM. 

We need to ask Senators Feinstein and Boxer to get HR 944 to pass the Senate in order to move things forward!

Benefits of the Orange Coast Gateway:
·         Promote Geotourism and the economic health of our community
·         Protection of the scenic views that define our lifestyle
·         Protection of the geologic features and the fragile ecosystem of indigenous species
·         Community outreach promoting local public awareness and preservation efforts with fun and interesting activities.
I propose we organize into a forum for stakeholders consisting of community leaders, elected municipal officials (and designated staff), philanthropic volunteers and mentors, businesses, scientists, environmentalists, educators, public organizations, and other community-minded groups. The following list of invitees to participate in the organization of the Orange Coast Gateway is presented on the following page. Please let me know if you’re interested and if there are other interested parties/potential partners. Please contact me and express your interest.
Christopher Tomlin, MBA, CEG
1055 Summit Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651              

cc:      Mr. Herrick (Rick) E. Hanks, California Coastal National Monument Manager, USDI Bureau of Land Management, 400 Natural Bridges Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Foreshocks Seen Over Large Geographic Area of Southern California

Source: USGS and ESCL

The USGS has reported small earthquakes over a large geographic area of southern California.  According to the prophecy by Psychic Edgar Cayce (January 21, 1936 in Reading 270-35), “If there are the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee, then the southern coast of California - and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada - may expect, within the three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes… “ On Saturday, there was activity near the Mt. Pelee Volcano (ESCL Blog, Mar 3, 2012). The earthquakes over the past week may be interpreted as foreshocks. Particularly disturbing is the accumulation of 10 earthquakes, focused on a single point, along the San Andreas Fault.  It is well known is seismology that earthquakes act as a release of stress. What if this release of stress transfers to a point in the greater Los Angeles area and becomes the worst of our fears predicted by Edgar Cayce?

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Source: Earth Science, Consultants, Ltd.
This morning on March 3, 2012 a Magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred at 15.1193°N, 61.181°W (DOMINICA REGION, LEEWARD ISLANDS) only 21.76 miles north of Mt. Pelee. Is this the prophecy fulfilled by Psychic Edgar Cayce (predicted on January 21, 1936) (Reading 270-35), “If there are the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee, then the southern coast of California - and
the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada - may expect, within the three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes… “?
The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program has a map of recent earthquakes showing Mt. Pelee Volcano (14 48’N, 61 10’W) at